The fees charged for MBA & MCA course are asper the guidelines
received from The Telangana State Admission and Fee Regulatory Committee.
a. FEE
APPROVAL LETTER OF Apoorva Institute of Management & Sciences.
Go No. MS 42
(Go Copy Attached along this document)
B. Admission Policy for MBA & MCA course.
1). Candidates shall not be allowed
for spot admission without original certificates.
2). the vacancies are to be filled
first with those qualified in TSICET-2020 and possessing 50% (49.5% and above
can be taken as 50%) marks in aggregate in respect of other than BC/SC/STs and
45% (44.5% and above can be taken as 45%) marks in aggregate in respect of
BC/SC/STs are eligible for spot admission.
3). If the vacancies are still left,
Candidates without TSICET Rank and passed Degree or its equivalent examination
with the percentage 49.5 % and above (OC), 44.5% and above (BC/SC/ST) are to be
considered on aggregate percentage of marks in Degree Examination.
4). Candidates who satisfy the
definition of Local/Non-Local shall alone be granted admission.
5). Candidates whose Degree is from
other state but either of the parents resided for a period of 10 years in
Telangana /A.P State are eligible for Spot Admissions. In such case the Parent
Residence certificate issued by competent authority for a period of 10 years shall
be produced.
6). Candidates possessing Degree or
its equivalent Certificates other than those issued by the University Concerned in Telangana /A.P shall
be asked to get the equivalency certificate from the concerned University in
the State of Telangana before granting admission.
7). similarly, the dropout vacancies
(Reported but discontinued) shall be given only for that category.
8). Likewise, the not reported cases
and cancelled cases should be given only for that category.
9). If particular candidates is not
available, they should be converted to another categories as per the Annexure
enclosed i.e., finally after exhausting all category candidates the vacancies
should be diverted to open category.
10). Candidate belonging to other
state and completely studied there (Other State) and whose parents belong to
other state and residing there only is not eligible for admission. He/She cannot
be considered even as Non-Local (NL) candidate to Telangana State for admission
and ratification will not be given for such cases if they admit the candidate
by violating the guidelines issued.
Further the candidates admitted during institutional Convenor/spot/Management admissions
are to be informed that their Convener/spot admissions are subject to ratification
by the Convenor, TSICET & Management admissions are subject to ratification
by the TSCHE. In case if spot/Management admission given to a particular
candidate is not ratified,
He/She has to quit the college
immediately. This has to be made clear to every Candidate on the day of conducting
the spot admissions in the college.
II. Certificates to be verified
a. SSC Marks Memo Original.
b. Intermediate or its equivalent
marks Memo Original.
c. Degree or its equivalent marks
Memo Original.
d. Study Certificates.
e. Residence Certificate, if
f. TSICET- 2020 Rank Card, if
g. TSICET -2020 Hall Ticket, if
h. Caste Certificate, if applicable.
C. Reservation policy
All the reservations given below
shall be applicable to Candidates belonging to TELANAGANA State only subject to
the fulfillment of the eligibility criteria specified by respective authorities
from time to time
The student has to submit all above mentioned documents to the
Student Section in College Office at
the time of admission. These documents are returned back to the student after
completion of the approval process of concerned Board of Examining Authority, Satavahana
University & TSCHE.